Practice Models & Corporate Dentistry Consultation

Dental practice models are the types of operational or business arrangements in which dentistry is practised. Dentists and the public have raised questions about the care provided through different practice models, including emerging models such as corporate dentistry and direct-to-consumer dentistry.

For this reason, the College has committed to ‘Practice Models and Corporate Dentistry’ as a three-year Strategic Project under the Emerging Issues pillar of the College’s 2023-25 Strategic Plan (more detailed information about the project can also be found here).

 The objectives for this strategic project are:

  • to better understand dental practice models that are operating in Ontario
  • to identify issues and opportunities related to various dental practice models, including corporate dentistry
  • to develop options to promote and assure quality of care and ensure effective regulation of dentists regardless of practice model type.

Tell us what you think

We are seeking your feedback to better understand the experiences and opinions of dentists, patients, and other interested parties concerning dental practice models in Ontario. Key findings and options identified through this project will be presented in a research report which will be shared with RCDSO Council to support decision-making and published online.

Complete the survey here or send us an e-mail by June 3, 2024. You can click here to download a PDF with all the survey questions.

The survey should take approximately 15 to 25 minutes to complete. All individual responses will remain anonymous.

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you for participating!