Information about Ontario Dentists

RCDSO is one of 26 health regulatory colleges in the province that have a responsibility and the legal authority to protect the public. 

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Information about Ontario Dentists

We believe that any information provided to the public – whether about our processes or dentists — should be relevant and enhance public confidence.

The College maintains an online Register with information about every dentist licensed to practise dentistry in Ontario, and dentists previously licensed by the College.

We obtain information about dentists when they first register, and the information is updated regularly.

The Register contains a wide variety of information about dentists, including:

  • Name and office information
  • Specialized permits and authorization
  • Registration status
  • Qualifications/academic history
  • Terms, conditions and limitations (TCLs) on licences.
  • Allegations and findings of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity
  • Whether a dentist has resigned and agreed to never practise again in Ontario during or as a result of an investigation or public complaint.
  • Criminal findings of guilt.
  • Current criminal charges.
  • Cautions or a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program (SCERP) outcome of an investigation or public complaint issued on or after October 1, 2015.
  • A summary of deficiencies found during an inspection of a sedation facility or dental CT scanner, until the deficiency has been rectified.

Information about findings of professional misconduct from 2000 to present day will appear on the Register. Contact the College to find out about any published findings made against a dentist before 2000.