When searching for information, don't forget about libraries

Whether searching for a particular textbook or dental journal, finding online references or learning how to conduct a literature search, academic libraries are there to help.

Each of the two faculties of dentistry in Ontario has a library offering services to students, faculty, alumni and non-alumni dentists, as well as to the general public.

University of Toronto

The library at the University of Toronto, located within the Faculty itself, provides a number of options for dentists to access information. For those dentists who are able to visit the library, all the textbooks and print journals are accessible for review and computer terminals are available in order to access any of the electronic journals.

In fact, between print and electronic versions, the library offers access to over 250 dental journal titles. Although photocopying is available on-site, those wishing to print any of the online articles to which the library has rights can do so by visiting any of the University of Toronto libraries, such as Robarts, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), or the Gerstein Science Information Centre.

Alumni dentists may purchase either an Alumni Reader card or Alumni Research Reader card. Both of these cards allow you to borrow print books and journals, as well as CDROMs and DVDs, from any University of Toronto library for a specified period of time. Non-alumni may also purchase a Research Reader card, although there is a higher associated fee. There is an additional service called the Digital Library for Alumni, available only to alumni, which provides online access, from anywhere, to select full text articles from several dental journals.

The U of T Dentistry website presents a multitude of electronic resources, as well as additional information on the products and services available.

Western University

The Allyn and Betty Taylor Library at Western University, located on campus in the Natural Sciences Centre, serves several faculties including the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry.

This facility houses the dental collection supporting all of the programs offered by Schulich Dentistry. Dentists able to visit Taylor Library will also have access to all textbook and print publications for use within the library. In addition, the library offers guest access to computer terminals to explore and make use of electronic resources available at Western.

When visiting any of the Western libraries, the Taylor Library website provides research support for the dental programs and is facilitated through the Program Guide for Dentistry. This guide provides suggested resources for a variety of publication types, and aids in the research process in all areas of dentistry.

The Taylor Library has facilities for both photocopying and printing, used by guests purchasing a Graphic Services debit card at the Service Desk. There are also options available for both alumni and visitors to borrow print resources. Alumni dentists may acquire, free of charge, a Western Alumni Card which allows a member to borrow regular loan items including textbooks. Non-alumni may be eligible for a Visitor Library Card. The Western website has further information on the application process.