COVID-19: Amended Guidance on managing infection risks during in-person dental care

The College has revised its Guidance on managing infection risks during in-person dental care. That document is available on our website by clicking here.

Key changes include:

  • A new introductory section that reflects recent developments related to COVID-19, including the Province’s regional approach to re-opening.
  • Clarification of dentists’ reporting requirements for patients and staff who screen positive for COVID-19.
  • Revised guidance for fallow periods following aerosol-generating procedures involving patients who screen negative for COVID-19.
  • A new recommendation to schedule patients who screen COVID-19 positive at the end of the day in circumstances where care must be provided in-person.

The College’s COVID-19 FAQ has also been updated to include additional guidance on:

  • extended use of N95 respirators
  • accommodating patients who are unable to wear a mask or face covering in the office.

The College reminds you that the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s directives may change at any time; College guidance will be amended as needed.