COVID guidance review

Last summer, we updated and substantially pared back our COVID guidance in response to changes in the pandemic. Since then, public health indicators have continued to show signs of improvement and public health authorities have been signaling the end of the global health emergency.

Work is currently underway to revisit RCDSO’s guidance to the profession. This process is supported by clinical staff and involves collaboration with other oral health colleges.

Until the guidance is updated, dentists should continue to follow the current guidance. This includes policies on patient screening and wearing appropriate masks and other personal protective equipment.

We appreciate the feedback we have been receiving and the profession’s continued patience during this process. We will share updates to these policies with you once available.

You can find our current guidance here: COVID-19: Managing infection risks during in-person dental care (

As we work on updating our guidance, you may also refer to the following Public Health Ontario document: Infection Prevention and Control Tips for Visiting All Health Care Settings | Public Health Ontario