COVID-19 Update – Regional approaches to AGPs

This week the College received new advice from PIDAC - the Provincial Infectious Disease Advisory Committee - via Public Health Ontario on the treatment of patients when performing aerosol-generating procedures.

PIDAC is now recommending that, in regions of Ontario where COVID-19 transmission levels are ‘not low’, dentists should use precautions when performing AGPs as if their patients were positive - even if they screen negative.

RCDSO Registrar Dan Faulkner and Dr. Michael Gardner spoke with representatives of PIDAC and Public Health Ontario today, September 11, in an effort to get more details.

We are asking our colleagues at the Ministry of Health and Public Health Ontario for clear definitions of ‘low’ and ‘not low’ in order to effectively guide dentists in their practice. We will also be asking when the Ministry expects to revise its Health Sector Restart document, as advised by PIDAC.

Our current guidance, updated September 3rd, COVID-19: Managing infection risks during in-person dental care remains in effect.

In the meantime, the College asks that all dentists use their professional judgement to consider if local conditions require enhanced precautions when performing aerosol-generating procedures. Consult with your local public health office as needed to determine levels of COVID-19 community transmission in your area. This data tool, provided by Public Health Ontario, may also be helpful.

Questions? Contact Practice Advisory